We want to thank Shocktamer Pads for their continuing support of John Henry.
Their faith and support in us makes a huge difference. Shocktamers keep John Henry comfortable thruout all his training. Thank you Al Fox and Shocktamer Pads
Shocktamer Pads
Equine Technologies
416 Boston Post Rd
Sudbury, MA 01776
Tel. 978 443-8078
Barbara Frake of Frake Fine Art has done THE MOST BEAUTIFUL colored pencil drawing of John Henry immortalizing one of our many Opening Days with the Old Chatham Hunt in Chatham, NY. Thank you Barbara for the wonderful picture. Check out her site under "Gallery" to see the pastel.
Cindi Johnson, the owner of Bridles by Design, made John Henry a GORGEOUS totally custom riding bridle and hunting breastcollar. It is a beautiful dark brown leather with black overlay on the brow, nose, reins and breastcollar straps. She did beautiful hand stitching and didn't mind in the least my exacting design requests Thank you Cindi for all the time and trouble you took to "get it right".
In 2005 John Henry and Kathleen, his person, were picked by Saratoga Horseworks to represent them as "Equestrians at Large". As such John Henry is given LOTS of very beautiful clothing. There is nothing like having a well dressed ass! Thank you Mike for all your support and encouragement AND for all the BEAUTIFUL custom made blankets for John Henry.

Saratoga Horseworks
John Henry's most recent supporter is Bob Cook of Hunters Creek Farm. Bob is the sole importer of WCC carriages into the United States. With Bob's help and support John Henry and Agnes de Mule will have their very own WCC Mustang to train and show with while working towards being a pair. Thank you Bob for your sense of humor and willingness to reach out to a pair of "alternate equines".
Hunters Creek Farm and WCC Carriages
John Henry, Agnes de Mule and I are very happy to announce Ploughman's Saddle & Bridle Repair to our list of valued supporters. They not only fix everything leather that breaks in our life but also have made two beautiful treeless driving saddles for my new pair driving project. Thank you Penny and company for all your help and support.
| Ploughman's Saddle & Bridle Repair
Albany, NY 12203
518 426-7022
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