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Welcome to John Henry's web site.
John Henry, born in 1992, is 1/2 Percheron and 1/2 American Mammoth Donkey, is 16-2h and 1,500 lbs.
John Henry was the first mule in the nation to complete 2,000 recorded combined hours under saddle and driving for the North American Saddle Mule Association [NASMA]. Articles and pictures of John Henry have appeared in over 28 newsletters, magazines, catalogs and newspapers. He was the 1999 representative of the American Donkey and Mule Society to the Western Horseman All-Breed issue.
In 1999 John Henry was the first mule to compete at the USET Hedquarters in Gladston, NJ in the Gladstone Spring CDE - he won Training Level. That same year he also won Training Level at the Garden State CDE in NJ.
In 2000, John Henry was the first mule to compete in the New York State Horse Council Pleasure Driving Championship class at the NYS Fair. He won the most points competiting at local shows in the qualifying classes and was awarded the year-end High Point trophy at the Fair. All that qualified by accumulating a certain number of points were invited to compete in the Championship class at the Fair. JH was Reserve Champion of that class.
At their annual meeting for 2000, The American Horse Shows Association voted to admit mules in all levels of combined driving in part because of the competition successes of John Henry and Mariah Carry, another mule competiting on the west coast at ADS sanctioned shows. The AHSA [reorganized and renamed the Untied States Equstrian Federation - USEF} has had a 50 year ban on mules competiting against horses at USEF sanctioned competitions.
In 2001 John Henry appeared as Mr November in the Mischka Farms nationally distributed Mule Calendar and he was again featured in the 2004 calendar.
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