Pictures of John Henry were viewed over 13,500 times between 5/2000 and 11/2001 in his album. That site has since shut down but you can see more of his pictures at the following site
You can print a 2 sided tri-fold about John Henry at the following link
Bonnie Shields has sculpted a traditional sized model of John Henry as a signed and number limited edition. To read about her trip to meet John Henry in preparation for starting the model.
click here. The picture below is of the finished model. I think she has done a wonderful job of capturing John Henry's movement and style.
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- Kicking Donkey Catalog - 1st Edition
- Pittsfield Journal - front page picture and write up
- 1998 Kicking Donkey Catalog - 2nd Edition
- The Peddler - 6/99 - pictures
- Broomtail [NZ] - 5/99 - pcture and article
- The Whip - 10/99 - picture and write up
- Kicking Donkey Catalog - 3th Edition
- The Peddler - 10/99 - picture and write up
- Western Horsemen - 10/99 - All Breed Issue
- The Driving Force - 10/99 - picture and write up
- The Chronicle of the Horse - 6/99 - picture and write up
- Kicking Donkey Catalog - 4th Edition
- Schenectady Gazette - Sunday Feature - 10/2/00
- Canadian Donkey and Mule Assoc - 11/00 - picture and write up
- Canadian Horse Journal - 9-10/00 - picture and write up
- Ontario Carriage Driver - 10-11/00 - article
- Colts Neck Journal - 11/00 - picture
- Colts Neck Calendar - 11/00 - picture
- Kicking Donkey Catalog - 5th Edition
- Ontario Carriage Driver - 4-5/00 - picture and article
- Ontario Carriage Driver - 8-9/00 - picture and article
- Poughkeepsie Journal - 9/00 - show results
- The Rider - 8/00 - picture and write up
- Ontario Carriage Driver - 2-3/00 - picture and article
- Ontario Carriage Driver - 12/99 - 1/00 - picture and write up
- Mules - Am Mule Assoc Newsletter - 10/00 - article
- Ontario Carriage Driver - 6-7/00 - picture and article
- Mules and More - 2/00 - picture and article
- 2001 Mule Calendar published by Mischka Farm [Mr November]
- Equine Journal - 6/01 - picture and write up
- Horse Illustrated [Donkey and Mule Edition] - 9/01 - mention
- Westfield Whip - product line tri-fold - 8/01 - cover picture
- The Whip - Official publication of the ADS [American Driving Society] - mentioned several times with a picture
- Driving Digest - picture included in an article reporting the Garden State Horse and Carriage Society Show
- Horseman's Yankee Peddler - Short article entitled "John Henry's Fan Club" in the driving section - April 2003
- Driving Digest - a feature article on John Henry - December 2003
- Bonnie Shields, the well-known western artist, will be sculpting a limited edition signed and numbered resin sculpture of John Henry - details to be announced
- Equine Journal - September 2003 - John Henry included with a picture in a driving article
- 2004 Mule Calendar published by Mischka Farm
- August 2004 Horseman's Yankee Pedlar - picture and paragraph in the article about the Eden Hill Show
- November 2004 - Yankee Pedlar - Walnut Hill Results
- November 2004 - Equine Affaire, Springfield , MA - participating in a breed demo with the Yankee Mule and Donkey Association
- November/December 2004 - Driving Digest - mentioned with a picture in the article about the Walnut Hill Driving Competition
- November/December 2004 - Carriage Journal - mentioned with a picture in the article about the Walnut Hill Driving Competition
- January 2005 - Equine Journal - mentioned with a picture in the article about the Yankee Donkey & Mule Society breed demo at Equine Affaire
- May 2005 - Walnut Hill Carriage Driving Competition's Patrons Brochure - featured with a picture from Walnut Hill 2004 promoting patronage of the show
- July 2005 - Horseman's Yankee Pedlar - an article with pictures of an "Introduction to Driving Day" clinic held at Orleton Farm in Stockbridge, MA and given by Jeff Morse. John Henry was the clinic model equine and as such he demonstrated with Jeff all the techniques for training a driving equine.
- August 2005 - Messinger Post Newspaper - Full page article with a picture all about John Henry and his accomplishments included in the Walnut Hill Suppliment.
- September/October 2005 - Driving Digest - 2 page article with pictures about John Henry and the butchers cart.
- January 2006 - American Carriage Driving - 2 page article with color pictures about John Henry and the butcher's cart turnout.
- June 2006 - A Driving Horse Photo Album - published by Mischka Press. John Henry is featured on his own page in this full color coffee table book of the driven horse or in this case equine.
- August 2006 - The Carriage Journal - an article with pictures, including John Henry, about the KY Horse Park CAA meeting.
- October 2006 - The Carriage Journal - an in-depth article, including a different picture of John Henry, about the CAA meeting at the KY Horse Park.
- Issue 3-2006 - Carriage Driving World - picture and article about the CAA meeting.
- Issue 4-2006 - American Carriage Driver - picture and article about the Tub Parade in Lenox, MA.
- Volume 21, Issue 2, April-May 2007 - Carriage Driving World - pictures and three page article featuring John Henry and Agnes as a pair.
- September 24, 2007 - front page picture in the Bennington Banner of John Henry and Agnes de Mule on a pleasure drive with the Saratoga Carriage Association
- 2008 Mule Calendar published by Mischka Farm
- 2008 Walnut Hill Prize List - full page picture
- 2008 Volume 35, Number 4 - The Whip - featured with a picture in an article about the 2008 Walnut Hill Show
John Henry's picture and accomplishments have been written up in every issue of the Brayer from Fall 1996 to the present. The Brayer is the Official Publication of the American Donkey and Mule Society and is mailed bi-monthly to 7,486 members in 50 states and 18 foreign countries.
Since 6/2000 John Henry has had his own column in the Brayer called
Dear John Henry
where he answers questions submitted by Mules or by people owned by mules. |  |  |